The Ultimate SCRABBLE Word List Resource

To some, SCRABBLE is just a board game to play during family game night or during a casual get-together.  Others think of SCRABBLE as a mere hobby.  But with any activity, there will always be fanatics— the ones who would rather sell their soul than stop— the ones with a constant yearning for self-improvement— the merciless.

Now, fanaticism isn’t a bad thing.  Being obsessed with the betterment of one’s knowledge is actually a great characteristic to have, despite the bad rap “obsession” gets.  I’m definitely an “obsessed” individual (although my obsession doesn’t just stop at SCRABBLE— I can be pretty OCD when it comes to things like organization and cleanliness).

So how does a lexical enthusiast improve?  How does a word freak expand his/her vocabulary?  How do you become the best dang SCRABBLE player in the world?

The answer is: WORD LISTS.

The Ultimate SCRABBLE Word List Resource

The regular household SCRABBLE fanatic might not ever look at a word list.  They’d rather improve their game with simple frequent play.  Perhaps they’ll play SCRABBLE on the computer or online, learning new words through artificial intelligence or Facebook friends.  But if you ever want to play in a SCRABBLE club or SCRABBLE tournament, you’re going to have to expand your vocabulary beyond that.

There are usually two-types of SCRABBLE diehards, the ones who want to “memorize” the words and those who want to “learn” the words.  To be the best SCRABBLE player in the world, memorization is probably the key to success because there is a plethora of acceptable words out there, and learning the meanings, too, could take a lifetime.  But then, what’s the point of learning a new word without discovering its definition?

Well, whichever type of SCRABBLE player you are, this webpage is meant to be the ultimate resource of word lists for all you logophiles, philologists, lexicographers, and cruciverbalists.  This page will provide links where you can find SCRABBLE word list documents, word books, and improvement strategies.

If there is anything you think I should add to this list, please notify me of it in the comments below.

P.S: Will be adding very helpful WORD LISTS here. Keep checking for updates 🙂

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